Notice for the Sixth Anniversary Concert of Harbin Institute of Technology MUSICA Chamber Choir


Reported by: Liu Tao
Translated by: Qiao Xuechao
Edited by: Garrick Jones
Time: 2017/6/14

There is a sound haunting our minds and shocking our hearts; there is a power making us cry and driving us forward. Those persistent dreams, unforgettable touches, inexplicit feelings and grieved sorrows, all turned into smart notes and become meaningful and profound in the ups and downs of chorus. Music is beautiful and pure. We strongly believe that life never stops and music never ceases. This summer, MUSICA invites you to continue the trip with music.

The sixth anniversary concert of MUSICA Chamber Choir-“Music Never Fades” will be held in the Harbin Theater at 14:00 o'clock on 2nd of July. Over more than 2,000 days, we persistently adhere to the nature of music and sing for life with pristine voices. Out of love for music, we never lower the requirements for voices; Out of meeting you again, we never abandon the quality of music. If you want to listen, we’d like to sing for you.

Sing for profession. This concert is under the command of senior chorus expert, Professor Ren Baoping and the famous young chorus conductor, Wen Yuchuan. Furthermore, these two experts will give lectures on Choir Master Class Training and Art of Chorus in HIT from the 3rd to the 4th of July. They will bring about the most professional explanations and the most scientific, authoritative training.

Sing for Classic. The contents of this concert range from classics, including the master work of Bach, Air on the G String to the representative higher level work of modern all-overtone scale choir, Sleep; From modern work with Chinese characteristics, Jasmine to the adapted work from Japanese famous animated film music, Miyazaki Hayao Animated Movie Suites; Moreover, we have modern piece Big Fish by Wen Yuchuan, which is adapted from the theme music of the Chinese animated film-Big Fish & Begoniaand the work of I Like wrote by Jin Chengzhi who is in command of the Shanghai Rainbow Choir. Higher artistic value is guaranteed in this concert, and also integrating public’s artistic aesthetics of music.

Sing for Youth. Having worked throughout the whole year, the new MUSICANS only want to show you the most pure voice, as well as the most touching music. The reason that we insisted on this is our love for music. We have enthusiasm and sincerity and waiting for you in this July.

On 2 July, Music Never Fades.

Introduction of Harbin Institute of Technology MUSICA Chamber Choir

Harbin Institute of Technology MUSICA Chamber Choir, founded in June 2011, is affiliated with HIT Undergraduate School, and under the direction of the Communist Youth League of HIT Committee. There are 45 members from different majors of different schools of HIT. As a professional university music organization, the choir has performed more than 80 classic choral works. The works mainly are classic and modern indoor choral works, and the supplements are modern music and new music that are adapted from popular music in chorus form. The types of works ranges from classical chorus of the Baroque period to modern jazz chorus, from accompanied chorus to acappella chorus. The languages cover Latin, Spanish, English, Japanese, French, Swedish and Chinese.

The Choir attended 2016 Sochi World Olympic Chorus Festival, and achieved two Golden Diplomas of Spiritual Belief Group and Colleges and Universities Group with ranking the first and the second place; The Choir also attended the 14th Budapest International Chorus Festival in 2013, and achieved the Silver Diploma of mixed choir with no-stipulated songs with ranking the second place. In the meantime, the Choir was invited to perform on the Hungary Spring Music Festival at Hungary Culture and Music Centre as core guests. Mixed Company Acappella Choir of Yale University was invited to visit HIT, and the two choirs jointly held two friendship concerts at the first and the second campus of HIT, which attracting more than 2,700 people to attend, and the Xinhua News Agency, Phoenix Satellite Television, Wen Hui Bao Newspaper and other major medias in Harbin reported this on performance. The Choir was also invited to perform on the opening ceremony of the Third Euro-China Technological Universities Summit Forum, the opening ceremony of the 2013 China-Russia Universities Union, the exchange performance of the 12th China International Chorus Festival, a series of activities of the 2015 Khabarovsk Border Areas “Heilongjiang Day” and the 2016 Osan Europe-Asia Science and Technology Forum and the Third ASRTU Annual Meeting.

Furthermore, the Choir held ten indoor choir concerts at HIT, Harbin Music Hall, Harbin Theater, and Harbin Old Synagogue Concert Hall. Also, the Choir has participated in more than ten performances which held in William Mong Man-wai Music Hall of Tsinghua University, Beihang Sunrise Concert Hall and other places, attracting an audience of over ten thousand.

The Poster of this Concert-Music Never Fades

Guests Introduction

Professor Ren Baoping, who is the vice chairman of China Association of Higher Education Music Education Committee, the chairman of Choir Committee of China Universities, the vice president of Asian Choir Association, the executive director of China Choir Association, and the deputy director of China Choir Association Command Committee, the director of Tianjin University Arts Education Centre, and also the art director and principal conductor of the Peiyang Chorus. Professor Ren studied with Professor Ma Geshun who is a famous conductor and music educator. Ren has engaged in teaching choir and the work of choir arts since 1983. He worked on practical outcomes in the Chinese choir field. Innovation was used in choir to create the unique “Peiyang Choir Sonority”. The Peiyang Chorus of Tianjin University under his command is currently the highest level choir in China.

Wen Yuchuan, a young pianist, the art director of piano of the Peiyang Chorus, the assistant commander of Peiyang Chorus, the piano advisor of the Conducting Department of Tianjin Conservatory of Music. He studies with Professor Wu Shaohua and Ke Enxin from Shenyang Conservatory of Music, as well as Professor Chen Yunxian from Tianjin Conservatory of Music. He receivedmeticulous guidance and help from Professor Valentin of the Odessa Conservatory of Music. The choral works that he wrote won several awards in chorus competitionsboth at home and abroad.

More Details

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