Notice on Recruiting Voluntary Docents for Harbin Railway Museum


Translated by: Qiao Xuechao
Edited by: D. Parker
Time: 2017/11/04

Harbin Railway Museum is located in Harbin at 86 West Dazhi Street, Nangang District.  It was originally a Palace of Culture for Laborers and an early “Mid-East Railway Club.  It became the Harbin Railway Museum in December of 1911.  It has undergone 106 years of “ebb and flow.”

The Museum has an overall floor space of 7,800 square meters and a display area of 5,000 square meters.  It also contains the 2800 square meters outdoor out door Jeme Tien Yow Plaza.  The Museum consists of four pavilions: The Development History Pavilion, The Special Theme Pavilion, The Distinguished Features Pavilion and the outdoor Jeme Tien Yow Plaza.

The Development History Pavilion is situated at the first floor of the old theater.  It systematically displays the development process and track of the Harbin railway over the past 100 years, and accurately documents significant events and figures from each critical moment.

The Special Theme Pavilion is situated in the lower level of the old theater.  The Special Theme Pavilion includes the Harbin railway vehicles’ history gallery, the engineering construction gallery and the centenary station gallery.  Great effort has been made to convey the history of the Mid-east railway, the Republic of China railway, the South Manchuria railway and the People’s railway.

The Distinguished Features Pavilion primarily displays centenary office furniture, photos, postcards and pictorial magazines.  It collects and exhibits current and historical documents and antiques.

A railway and a museum are just like a thick history book. Harbin is a city whose development has been driven by the railway.  Harbin Institute of Technology also has a strong connection with railway.  The Harbin Railway Museum presents the history of Harbin by introducing the history of railway. The Harbin Railway Museum is waiting for you to join its team in telling the story of its rich history! You can demonstrate your talents and acquire skills at the same time.  You will also come to know and appreciate the profound history of this city through various events and available materials.  Harbin Railway Museum is currently recruiting several volunteer docents.  The opportunity is open to all HIT students.

I. When is the Museum Open?  The Museum is open to the public from 09:00 to 11:00 a.m. and from 2:00 to 4:00 pm Tuesday through Sunday.  It is closed Monday and Thursday afternoons.  Docents serve two half-days each week, or one full day.

II. Who Are We Looking to Recruit?  HIT undergraduates, master students and doctoral students.

III. What are the Requirements to be a Docent?

1. The candidate should in good health and possess superior personal qualities.

2. The candidate should have strong communication skills, possess logical thinking, and be able to handle potentially stressful situations.

3. The candidate should be hard-working, dedicated to the work of the museum and to obtaining service awareness.

4. The candidate should be available for two half-days or one full day for serving at the Museum.

IV.  How do I Apply?

All candidates should download and complete the registration form which can be found at Please return the completed form by e-mail.  Be sure to include your full name and contact number”.

 Application forms must be returned to before 12:30 pm, November 13th, 2017.  Please do not send duplicate e-mails.  Information regarding an interview and training will be given in return messages.

Harbin Railway Museum

HIT SoM Committee of the Communist Youth League
