HIT Robots Perform in 2012 CCTV New Year’s Gala

Reported by:         CAO Yunfeng
Translated by:       ZHAO Bingquan
Edited by:              Patti Broderick
Updated:               2012-4-13
March 28th, WANG Shuquan, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) Party Secretary, and ZHANG Hongtao, HIT Deputy Party Secretary and Vice President, congratulated and thanked the HIT Dancing Robot Team, whose robots performed in the 2012 CCTV New Year’s Gala.
The CCTV New Year's Gala is a Chinese New Year Special produced by China Central Television and broadcast on the eve of Chinese New Year on its flagship CCTV-1, satellite channels CCTV-4, CCTV-9, CCTV-E, CCTV-F, and CCTV-HD.  The broadcast has a yearly viewership of over 700 million viewers, making it one of the premiere television events of Mainland China.
The Dancing Robot Team regaled Party Secretaries WANG and ZHANG, officials from the Organization and Publicity Departments as well as leaders from the School of Computer Science and Technology with their experience developing the robots and participating in the performance. WANG spoke highly of the Team’s role in extending HIT’s renown and influence, lauding the student’s scientific and technological innovation achievement as the result of years’ of unfettered exploration. WANG renewed HIT’s commitment to generously support scientific innovation programs and expressed his hope that the Center for Robotic Innovation would achieve even greater acclaim and attract greater numbers of students to participate in robotics research.
The Dancing Robot Team shared that the experience had confirmed the power of teamwork crediting their HIT faculty and classmates for supporting them every step of the way and spurring them on to excellence. They committed to always bearing in mind the HIT motto and putting the HIT spirit into practice in order to achieve superiority in innovation.
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