HIT Organized the International Conference in the Field of Geometrical Product Specification


Reported by: Cui Junning
Photographed by: Cui Junning
Translated by: Qiao Xuechao
Edited by: Garrick Jones

The 41st plenary and working group meeting of ISO geometrical product specification technical committee was held from September 19th to 30th in Shanghai. The conference was sponsored by the technical committee of geometrical product specification, and jointly organized by national technical committee of geometrical product specification standardization and HIT. Committee members who come from dozens of countries and regions around the world attended the conference.

Under the background of “Made in China 2025”, geometrical product specification standardization, as the fundamental pillar of Chinese manufacturing, has strategic importance in promoting the development of Chinese manufacturing At the conference, hundreds of committee members that come from world-famous measurement institutes and scientific research institution, such as NIM, NIST, PTB, NPL, etc, and international enterprises, such as Siemens, Boeing, and GM, etc. had discussions on the uncertainty, dimensions, surface and contour, geometric tolerance and other problems of specification and standardization, which centralizing the issue of standardized technology in the geometrical product specification. The research center of HIT precise instrument engineering, lead by Tan Yongbin along with other professors, as Chinese technical committee members and experts, presented the conference.

The technical committee of geometrical product specification is responsible for the enactment and amendment of the international standards of ISO geometrical product specification, and it holds teleconferences for relevant technical discussion several times, also holding once or twice official meetings for standard examinations and votes.