Special Graduation Season with Constant Care


News from Harbin Institute of Technology (Shang Yankai/Faculty of Arts and Engineering/Colleges/Pictures) Now, major universities have ushered in the graduation season. This year's graduation season has become a little special because of the epidemic situation. In order to leave a special mark on the college days of graduates, colleges and universities have also made great efforts to create infinite creativity. 2020 is the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Harbin Institute of Technology. Students from all over the world witnessed the wonderfulness of the Hundred Years of Harbin Institute of Technology through "cloud live broadcast". For all graduates, there are too many warm memories and unforgettable experiences in the graduation season that is happening.        

Back to school

“Graduating right away, I want to go back to school and have a look after my graduation.”“Yes, I really don't want to leave Harbin Institute of Technology and everything here.” Going out of the isolation point of Xiyuan Hotel, and taking over the 100-year anniversary special mask issued by HIT, twin sisters Zhao Kexin and Zhao Suixin said that with deep feelings facing the camera.

Zhao Kexin and Zhao Suixin, who live in Harbin, are respectively from the school of aerospace and the school of architecture. They are representatives of 2016's undergraduate graduates who apply to return to school through the school engineering system in the spring semester. The epidemic did not stop them from thinking about returning to the campus and saying goodbye to teachers and students. "There are too many unforgettable people and things in the four years of University, and too many words I want to say to my alma mater, teachers and classmates. Although due to the epidemic situation, we can't get together on campus for the time being, the  momentary separation is for better reunion in the future. " Zhao Suixin's words expressed the common aspiration of the graduates.

In order to ensure that students can return to school and leave school safely, relevant units of the university have made every effort to provide services to students. The apartment center has carried out comprehensive disinfecting and cleaning of more than 6000 dormitories and public areas of 19 student apartments that welcome students back to school, and implemented strict registration and temperature measurement management for the personnel in and out of the dormitories; the student affairs department and graduate affairs department has arranged special personnel to handle the procedures of check-in and check-out for returned students in 24-hour shifts, and all accommodation and meals during the period of student isolation are provided by HIT; the Education Development Foundation will provide free back-to-school students with 10 special edition masks for the 100th anniversary of the school; in order to reduce the inconvenience of returning books after returning to school, the library set up a temporary book return point in the fifteen apartments of one campus, and at the same time exempted the  book overdue fee for graduates; the colleges also actively create a warm atmosphere of returning to school. In addition to distributing the centennial commemorative medal for each graduate, the School of Architecture, School of Transportation, School of Mathematics, etc. also carefully prepared commemorative ball caps, bachelor uniforms, disinfected wipes, loving breakfast and other items, as well as sign plates for students to take pictures.


Apartment disinfection and sterilization


Distribution of masks


Mark of returning to school


Gift for returning to school

Live of packing luggage

“We used random numbers to match the teachers’ and students’ dormitories, establishing a tree structure for notification. The teachers collected images in front of the second apartment, and used the Dijkstra algorithm for the corresponding dormitories, establishing a video connection with the students via TCP protocol, building a decision tree to divide student items into piles, pruning the decision tree according to student needs, applying K-means algorithm for clustering and packing items, normalizing and sealing the packaging, and finally using the greedy algorithm for cost calculation.” This slightly humorous and professional-looking "joke" has recently become popular in the circle of teachers and students, recording the whole process of packing luggage live of teachers from School of Computing to pack luggage for graduates. After the School of Materials organized 109 teachers to pack luggage for graduates by live broadcasts, all the colleges of the University have made great efforts to pack the items carrying love and memories together and mail them to graduates from all over the country.

The distance between the North and the South can't stop the relationship between teachers and students. The School of Telecommunications is your eternal home." The School of Telecommunications posted postcards with warm words on the luggage packed for graduates; The student backbones from the School of Mechatronics and the School of Civil Engineering took the initiative to undertake the sorting work of the dormitory in their class, one-to-one video sorting and mailing of luggage and other items. "Thank you, my dear roommate, for disregarding the old waist and helping me pack my luggage. I am grateful." A graduate wrote in a personal wechat friends circle  .




Luggage packing

Graduation group photo

In the graduation season of every year, it is an indispensable ceremony and a memory for every graduate to punch in the cards and take photos in front of the landmark buildings on campus. Faced with the coronavirus epidemic, which still has the risk of rebound, most graduates can not return to the familiar campus except the returning students. How to make a picture of the teacher and student family portrait becomes a question of all the colleges.

In order not to let the graduates feel regretful, each college putting on their thinking cap, came up with the golden idea of graduation group photo, and cloud graduation photo came into being. School of Aerospace, School of Humanities and Social Sciences and School of Law all chose to form a photo wall with the photos of each graduate wearing a degree suit, adding the school emblem and the Centennial logo in the prominent position in the middle, which is full of visual impact; the School of Electrical Engineering selected all the photos of graduates and assembled the graduation photos with the Centennial commemorative logo as the bottom plate, which standing in front of the building to send a special graduation gift for each graduate; The School of Foreign Languages combines the photos taken by graduates during college into a heart-shaped pattern, which means that all the graduates deeply love and care about Harbin Institute of Technology.




“Cloud” graduation photos

Farewell message

"I hope that students will not forget their original intention, learn to be grateful, take on responsibilities bravely, and become the person they want to be in their hearts." Ren Nanqi, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, wrote in a message to the graduates of the College of the Environment. On the occasion of parting, the College of the Environment will collect all the teachers' messages into a graduation souvenir book and send them to the students who are about to travel far away; the Institute of Instruments will launch a series of activities of "graduation impression" exhibition and a special issue of graduation season, in which graduates express their gratitude to their classmates,  teachers and alma mater through the “cloud”; while organizing teachers to pack bags for graduates, the College of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry sent messages to students. The blessing is written on a small white board and sent to the graduates.

"I wish the fairies of A04 all the best in the future. The greatest luck is to meet you, and here is your forever home." Some students' apartments and colleges have made and mailed exquisite postcards for graduates, and sent a letter to graduates in the name of counselors. The words are full of reluctant and blessing to students.

"In four years of college, you have witnessed many of my first time, and I have also seen your simplicity, steadiness and excellence. Once again, I wish my alma mater a happy 100th birthday, and wish my alma mater every success and glory. The majority of graduates also express their gratitude to their alma mater and yearning for their classmates through their wechat friends circle and chat groups.


Farewell message


